I actually decided to pull together an overnight girls retreat at the coast for anyone that wanted to escape with me. And that was so much fun! With me 5 of us went and it was great fun to hang out with the girls and build friendships and eat! LOL yes...I ate! And I actually think that was a good thing. I don't think I went overboard, but I really did not restrict myself a lot either! We rented 2 rooms in Seaside and shopped a lot! The outlet mall and the small shops down town gave us hours of fun. Plus the weekend that we went they did a pumpkin contest, weighing in entries from all across the state. They were huge!! The biggest one weighed in at 1301 pounds and then they took a 980 pound pumpkin raised it to the top of a crane and let it drop to it and a surreys doom! Really fun to watch! We went to the Lil' Bayou restaurant and walked out after waiting for an hour and a half for dinner and went to Vido's and Guido's, an Italian place. We really just talked and laughed.
This trip was the weekend after week one of my diet and I came home to find that I had only gained 1/2 a pound back! not too shabby! I decided come Monday I would get back into full swing, and recommit. And then to my lack of excitement, I started to get sick, and Monday and Tuesday I could not eat or drink ANYTHING without wanting to puke. Ugg how I hate nausea!! I called in sick on those two days and then on Wednesday I went into work and got a prescription of Phenergan (anti nausea) and then proceeded to down that all day eating a home made chicken soup that Rob did up for me. (he is sooo awesome like that!) Thursday was a really slow do nothing, recovery day, and I only ate the soup again all day!
Now with most people the lack of food would drop them down a few more pounds, but for me? NO...I in fact went up another 1/2 pound, which is just plain out ridiculous!! But no worries. I started doing 3 supplements a day, and I am back down to my original loss. My plan is to keep doing the 3 until Monday and then go all week on the Medifast. I can't say I am super excited, and it really has been hard just eating when I need to when I am working, but I decided after my trip, that I will do a week fully on plan and then give myself a low carb day to just eat with my family. I think that sounds very do-able to me. Most of all I think i am just going to stop stressing over it!
So there it is. My update! haha
Thank you Holly! Sounds like a fun trip! Sorry you have been so sick, better get better before I come to see you. Love you.